All About Verbs for Nursery Two Champs!

All About Verbs for nursery two Champs

Let’s Play Action Words

Have you ever wondered what gives a sentence its sparkle? It’s more than just attractive nouns or adjectives—there’s a unique term called a verb! Verbs are the action’s superheroes; they tell us what’s happening. Also, they are like the magic sprinkles of writing, the secret ingredient that transforms boring sentences into vibrant stories and entertains your readers with a blend of action and excitement. Let’s learn all about verbs for Nursery Two champs.

Imagine a sentence like “The cats ____ into the box.” It’s missing something, right? Without a verb like “run” or “sprint”, we don’t know what the cat is doing. But add a verb, and suddenly, the box comes alive! We can practically imagine the cats racing into the box.

So, what kind of verbs can nursery heroes like you use?

  1. Movement verbs: walk, jump, run, dance, fly, dance!
  2. Doing verbs: draw, write, colour, build, paint, sing, play, eat, sleep, read, hug, help.

Remember, verbs:

  1. Tell what someone or something is doing.
  2. It can be changed to show when something happened (past, present, future).
  3. Make sentences complete and exciting!

Here are some ways to find verbs in books and around you:

  1. Clap: Anytime you hear a spoken word describing an action done by someone or something.
  2. Play “I Spy” with action words! Say, “I spy something jumping in the playground.” What is it?
  3. Make up silly sentences with fun verbs! “The funny clown juggled popcorn on the table!”
Remember that action verbs are the lifeblood of any story, breathing life into characters and propelling the plot forward. They allow us to see characters in action, understand their motivations, and experience the world alongside them. Soon, you’ll be a verb master, painting the world with your action words!

I hope you learned all about verbs for nursery champs!